List of Songs on Treme – Episode 1 – Season 4
List of songs in order of appearance in show – “Yes, We Can Can”
Links for downloading music are at bottom of page. Any questions, feel free to contact me.
Point in the show: Playing during the montage of Election Day
Artist/Song: Randy Newman with “Every Man a King”
Point in the show: Davis plays this while DJ’ing at WWOZ
Artist/Song : Allen Toussaint with “Yes We Can Can”
Point in the show: John Boutte performing as the voters are coming into the church
Artist/Song : John Boutte with “A Change is Gonna Come”
Point in the show: John Boutte performing as the voters are coming into the church
Artist/Song:: Treme Brass Band with “Just a Closer Walk With Thee”
Point in the show: John Boutte performing as the voters are coming into the church
Artist/Song:: Pete Fountain with “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”
Point in the show: School band rehearsing
Artist/Song : Sam Cooke with “This Little Light of Mine”
Point in the show: Davis performing with Cheeky Blakk
Artist/Song : Davis Rogan with “I Quit”
Point in the show: Annie performing with her band
Artist/Song: Michael Doucet with “Do You Want to Dance”
Point in the show: Playing in the background when Janette goes back to her old restaurant
Artist/Song : Tom McDermott with “Valse Joe”
Point in the show: Michael Doucet playing after Annie and her band
Artist/Song : Michael Doucet / Beausoleil with “L’Amour ou La Folie”
Point in the show: Davis listening to radio in his car
Artist/Song : Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue with “Hurricane Season”
Point in the show: Playing in the background when Sonny is waiting at the bar
Artist/Song : Lloyd Price with “Lawdy Miss Clawdy”
Point in the show: Guardians of the Flame practicing
Artist/Song : The Golden Eagles with “Indian Red”
Point in the show: Playing in the background as Nelson eating at Janette’s old restaurant
Artist/Song : David Torkanowsky with “Piano Trio Blues” ( could not find recorded)
Point in the show: Playing in the background when Davis brings wine to Janette
Artist/Song : Miss Sophie Lee with “Tallulah Moon”
Point in the show: Delmond playing with Ellis Marsalis
Artist/Song : Ellis Marsalis with “12’s It”
Point in the show: Playing in the background when Delmond is talking to his manager
Artist/Song : Astral Project with “Dike Finger”
Point in the show: Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue playing at the Howlin’ Wolf
Artist/Song : Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue with “Hurricane Season”
Point in the show: Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue playing at the Howlin’ Wolf
Artist/Song : Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue with “One Night Only”
Point in the show: Playing in the background when Davis is talking to Nelson
Artist/Song : Henry Butler with “Some Iko”
Point in the show: Closing Credits song
Artist/Song : John Boutte with “A Change is Gonna Come”
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